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Status of the scientific search for an extraterrestrial life
Search for communicating civilisations : the SETI programme

Since the discovery of radio waves, human communicates with space. Technical progress have made it possible for us to listen to the universe for nearly 30 years. This very popular research (17,27, 28, 29) has a major drawback. It targets advanced civilizations that used the same processes as ours. Even if it seams vain to some people (29) technics evolve at a very low costs compared to other search items.

  • We can distinguish two sorts of searches: New projects still appear by the professionnals and the amateurs. We can see the eclosion of ambitious projects that need international cooperation of simple individuals. Among all these projects, we have to mention one that gathers the scientific community and common people. The SETI@HOME (32) project proposes to have the signal collected by scientific people to be treated by personnal computers owned by individuals thanks to a screen saver and the Internet.

    An other approach is now used to detect some indications of life by observation and detection of molecular signature.

    Copyright © Feb. 1999 by The SETI League, Inc. & Michel Babin             Homepage