State of the scientific search for an extraterrestrial life
Questions of science

Although our knowledge on the origin of the life and on our universe (53) is more and more precise, it often brings more questions than answers. That is why it is useful to make a balance of what we do not know and of what we have to answer these new questions (14, 15, 35, 54, 55, 56, 57) :

  • How did the functions of living appear ?
  • How the first organized system did appear and how did it develop ?
  • How do sudden environmental changes affect the properties of emergent ecosystems ?
  • How the Earth and living that it shelters do influence mutually during time ?
  • Which is the potential of the biologic evolution except the planet of origin ?
  • Which is the future of the life on Earth and somewhere else ?
  • Are properties and characteristics of living universal and measurable ?
  • Does life exist in the universe somewhere else ?
  • How to recognize other biospheres ?
  • How do the livable planets form and how do they evolve ?
  • What would mean really the fact to find an extraterrestrial life ?
  • Which are the possibilities to find an intelligent life ?
  • How to communicate ?

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