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Status of the scientific search for an extraterrestrial life
Exobiology : seeking extraterrestrial life

We know life as it is on Earth. Can we transpose this unique example to space?
Can we reasonably think about a life based on silicon, the element that is close to carbon and shows similar properties? (1)

Outside scientific speculations about the validity of such an hypothesis, we have to stay pragmatic. If we take 110 different molecules that have been identified in interstellar clouds, 83 have carbon (approximately 60 are of organic type) (3) and 7 are made with silicon. We see that organic chemistry is widly spread and that the few number of silicon molecules doesn't speak for this kind of chemistry.

Even if we have seen that some creatures on our planet can live in hydrogen sulphide (9), they are made of carbonaceous molecules. Till now, nothing did challenge the uniformity of life based on organic chemistry.

That's why scientists are looking for tracks of organic life in the cosmos. We know the molecules that reveal a potential organic activity thanks to the study of the terrestrial example.

Where to look for other forms of life ?

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